Digital Learning & Leading
Applying Educational Technology: ePortfolio
The second course of the DLL program awarded me the opportunity to focus on developing my eportfolio. Through this course, I gained insight into the significance of an online portfolio and how to maintain ownership of it. I was encouraged to look for areas of improvement all over my site. On this page, I have made necessary upgrades to the artifacts I previously created in course 5302 .
Mirror mirror on the wall, I’ll always get up after I fall.
And whether I run, walk, or have to crawl,
I’ll set my goals and achieve them all.
~ Chris Butler
After receiving feedback from my professor, in EDLD 5302, I reconstructed my Growth Mindset plan to make it more personal and engaging. I switched from a"My Simple Show" to a "Powtoon" so that I could add voiceover to the video. More details were also included in the video to express more of my stance on the topic.
This Microsoft Sway was designed to captivate the reader and enhance the ideas presented in my learning manifesto. It is my belief that images and multimedia make content more engaging than just viewing text in a word document.
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